4 Tips for Increasing Conversion Rates With Your Healthcare Web Design

Gretchen Kalthoff

Gretchen Kalthoff

Posted on April 26, 2016

conversions for medical web design
It’s easy to overlook the basics of web design amongst the many trends that are constantly churned out. Yet getting the basics right is the most important part of any healthcare web design. Keep these four tips top of mind to help improve your conversion rates.

1. Attract Attention

Plain and simple, your website needs to stand out. Consumers are faced with ever increasing amounts of information via the internet, so a site that stands out (for the right reasons) is a must. You don’t need overly complicated or intricate designs – focus on making sure all the various components work harmoniously together and present your brand in the best possible way. If a website is difficult to view, navigate, or read, the user will move away and your bounce rate will increase instead of your conversions.

2. Use Simple Terminology

Forget using overly complex or confusing language on your website – it will only alienate your audience. Instead, use simple words to express concepts and make it sound “human”. Clear explanations are also imperative in healthcare web design. Don’t assume that visitors to your site will be familiar with your practice; clearly explain everything that a current or prospective patient would need to know in order to understand exactly what you do and the services that you offer.

3. Demonstrate Your Value

A strong value proposition should be at the core of your web design – it’s the primary reason that a customer is going to choose your medical practice over another. In a nutshell, you need a clear statement that explains how your services solve a customer’s problems, deliver benefits, and exceed the competitions. Be sure to make it easy to understand – again, speak in the language of the customer and avoid confusing jargon or terminology. The best value-propositions are clear and will ensure that users continue to read about your product or service.

4. Implement User-Friendly Design

Always keep the user at the center of your web design process. Understanding your customer’s behavior and proper planning and testing will help you create a website that is effortless for users – meaning that it’s intuitive and easy to move around and locate information. A responsive website will keep users active on your site, and hopefully lead to more conversions.
Great healthcare web design starts with getting the fundamentals right. Follow the tips above to ensure that your website is a success – useful, relevant, and well-designed.

Gretchen Kalthoff

Gretchen Kalthoff

Gretchen Kalthoff is a writer and marketing specialist for MWE. She is an expert in healthcare marketing and health IT with a special interest in increasing patient engagement through social media and healthcare technologies.

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