Healthcare's Trusted Provider of Mobile App, Web Development & Security Services

Custom and turnkey solutions exclusively for healthcare.

Medical Web Experts - Healthcare's Trusted Provider of Mobile App, Web Development, & Security Services

Trusted by over 400 healthcare businesses since 2003.

Expand Your Digital Offering

Secure your data, and get compliant. We follow ISO 27001 and NIST 800 guidelines, are SOC 2-compliant, and offer a scalable, high-availability, HIPAA-compliant hosting platform.

Security & Hosting

Engage your patients with Digital Front Door mobile apps or web portals that offer patients access to all their online tools, data, and services in a single place.

Web App & Portal Development

Consolidate or replace legacy systems, by integrating their features and data into a single, modern application.


Our Work

We collaborate with our clients to design, develop and maintain exceptional websites. Our sites accurately reflect each client's business to help them reach the right type of audience.

Technologies we
Technologies we love

Custom healthcare mobile app by MWE

Custom mHealth Apps

We create practical mobile app solutions for today’s toughest healthcare problems. Our extensive experience in developing interfaces for health IT systems, use of the latest mobile app coding languages, and deep understanding of HIPAA law make this possible.

Custom patient portal development by MWE

Healthcare Portal Development

Accessible from a web browser on any device, web applications and portals provide tools and data to improve patient experience and empower staff and providers to operate more efficiently.

Healthcare software integrations by MWE

Health IT Integrations & Interoperability

Successful applications are connected and play well with other systems. We build interfaces using industry standards such as REST APIs, HL7, FHIR, and HIE to connect with any type of software or platform, including EMRs/EHRs, LIS systems, patient portals, mobile apps, wearables, medical devices, and more.


We build solutions designed for full compliance with all necessary standards - including HIPAA, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), GDPR, CCPA, PCI-DSS, and more.


Our company is SOC-2 certified, and we’re able to develop solutions that comply with HITRUST CSF and ISO 27001 standards.

Secure Hosting

We offer hosting via the MWE Cloud, a 100% HIPAA-compliant hosting and monitoring system designed specifically for quicker and more efficient website or app development.

Learn More
Secure HIPAA hosting at MWE

Post-launch Services

HIPAA-Compliant Hosting

Better security with faster changes.


Continuous support & monitoring.

Ongoing Feature Development

Keep growing your site or app.

Our Blog

Mobile App vs Web App

Posted on April 19, 2023 by Jared Mauskopf

Healthcare organizations are increasingly under enormous pressure to offer the best digital tools to their patients. But before you set out to develop a healthcare application, you’ll need to make…Read more

Illustration of a doctor sitting at a computer reading messages on a HIPAA compliant messaging portal.

Posted on April 12, 2023 by Pablo Bullian

Data security is a major challenge in healthcare. With data breaches on the rise, it seems that criminals are increasingly viewing digital healthcare data as low-hanging fruit. According to the…Read more

Posted on April 05, 2023 by John Deutsch

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted to protect patients’ privacy by limiting access to and governing acceptable use of their health data. When building a healthcare…Read more