Is Your Medical Website Design Converting?

Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Posted on August 01, 2013

The most important quality of a good medical website design is, ultimately, whether or not it is converting site visitors into leads. Is the design of your website one that is going to convert? This can be a frustrating concern for many physician practices, as there are numerous websites out there representing healthcare facilities that are targeting and educating the same customers as your practice. By following three simple tips, your website can take the necessary steps to increase conversion rates and bring in new patients.

1. Incorporate trust elements.

Your website is the face of your practice in a bustling online community. Amongst that Internet traffic lies your competition, so it is important that your website stands out from the rest. Including trust elements on your medical website is a good way to build a trustworthy online reputation. Trust elements can include anything from images and videos to customer testimonials. These elements will allow potential patients to familiarize themselves with you and your practice.

2. Keep your website simple.

The message that you wish to portray to current and prospective patients needs to be crystal clear – and having a simple medical website design can help. On the contrary, providing every last detail about your practice can cause patients to become overwhelmed and look for help elsewhere.

3. Provide a positive user experience.

What experience do your visitors go through when they arrive at your site? Is your website user-friendly? Can your patients find the information they’re looking for quickly and easily? Is the navigation simple and intuitive? It’s never good when your visitors have to click time and time again to arrive at the information they came looking for in the first place. Make the user experience a simple one, and your visitors will be satisfied.
At the end of the day, converting site visitors into patients is going to determine the success of your medical website – and, in turn, your practice. If you follow these tips you can being to optimize your website and increase conversions.

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