Is Your Medical Website Missing These Three Important Calls-to-Action?

Julie Ho

Julie Ho

Posted on October 29, 2013

There’s no secret to why many healthcare organizations have websites: to attract prospective patients and provide them with the information they seek. However, not all medical websites are effective in converting new patients. In fact, many are missing key elements, or calls-to-action, that urge site visitors to take some kind of step. This can include, filling out a contact form, scheduling an appointment, or placing a call to the healthcare facility.
If your website doesn’t have strategically placed CTAs, your business could be missing out on hundreds of missed opportunities each year, which translates into thousands of dollars in lost revenue. The following three CTAs are a must for any healthcare organization to incorporate into their medical website design:

Form Submissions

MWE request consultation

One common call-to-action is pointing website visitors to a contact form. Instead of taking the time to pick up the phone and call your office, with a submission form potential patients can connect with your practice with minimal effort, by simply filling entering their first and last name and email. This also benefits you in that the person’s contact details are automatically added to your database.
Remember one important thing: when creating a submission form, try not to label the finished button “Submit.” Instead, use more powerful wording that will make prospective patients feel like they’re doing something more from this than just submitting their info. Good options to increase the odds of someone filling out and submitting a form include: “Get more information” and “Submit my request.”

“Read More” Buttons

Whether you’re posting an article or publishing a press release on your blog, you should be constantly providing patients with updated and relevant materials on your website. By using a “Read More” button you can hook and engage your website visitors in a way that they may not even notice it. When using this CTA, there are a couple of things you must have to optimize engagement: appealing content and organization. The content needs to draw people in in the first few sentences, so that they want to click the button to read more. By using this CTA, you can interact and promote your business, while measuring various marketing metrics, like clicks and time spent on various pages.

Social Media Icons

Medulous social media

What if you could promote your medical practice beyond your website? What if doing so could increase your business’ visibility by more than 50 percent? Social media makes this possible. With social media taking off in the medical industry, many healthcare organizations are putting social icons on their landing and product information pages linking to the their Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ accounts. The great thing about this CTA strategy is that it’s quick, cheap, and easy to customize. Plus, it involves relatively low commitment on the part of the patient – and it can be incorporated into any existing online marketing campaign.

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