How to Build a Medical SEO Landing Page That Benefits Your Business

Gretchen Kalthoff

Gretchen Kalthoff

Posted on December 18, 2015

There are a plethora of digital tools available today to help market your practice. Yet, as the tools to further empower your marketing grows, so does the competition.
Perhaps one of the most well known and talked about tools is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In simple terms, this means increasing the number of visitors to your site by ranking well (i.e., high visibility) in a search engine’s organic, or unpaid results. Consequently, improving your medical SEO can potentially help you reach more prospective patients, but the real key is converting them into actual patients.
One way to improve conversion and marketing for doctors is through targeted landing pages.
The landing page is the first point of entry into a website, hence, where a visitor lands. Given the vast amounts of information now available on the Internet, customers are increasingly starting to filter out that which doesn’t appear relevant or interesting. The decision to stay or leave happens in the first few moments of landing on a particular page, so creating targeted landing pages can greatly improve your conversion efforts.
Follow the steps below to create an SEO landing page that’s built to build your business.

Identify Keywords

First, think about who and what you are trying to target through your specialized landing page. For example, if you want to specifically target health care services for children, you could use keywords such as  “pediatric physicians” or “pediatric care”. Utilize Google AdWords Keyword Planner to help determine which keywords/terms are highly searched for.
Then, include those keywords throughout your content. Each of your page elements, such as the landing page URL, Meta description and title tags should also be optimized and keyword-enhanced so as to give readers a clear snapshot of what your page is about. Metadata summarizes information and communicates to search engines what your site is about – the results you see in Google are pulled from this information, so it is important to write this in a way that will encourage people to explore your site. Landing page footers and page analytics codes should also be optimized.

Set up the Page in Your Sitemap

Once you have decided on the keyword for your landing page, set up a page in your sitemap and determine where it fits best. If you are creating a page specifically for an AdWords campaign, you may want the page to be hidden from search (this ensures the page is only accessible via a specific link, so you’ll be able to accurately track a campaign’s metrics). Name the page after your keyword. Only if the keyword doesn’t appear reasonable as a page’s name (i.e., it’s not relevant to the page’s content) should you alter the description.

Optimized Content

Content really is king, so make sure you craft quality content that is valuable and relevant to your visitors. Try and utilize your keyword 3-5 times. Also consider how your information is formatted and appears to visitors – use headers, titles, and bulleted lists where appropriate. Ideally, your page should have at least 250 words and provide clear and concise information that captures visitor’s attention.

Optimized Images and Visual Content

Utilizing meaningful graphics and visual elements helps to make your landing page attractive and interesting to visitors. Images should support your content, be high quality, and web friendly. Large images will slow down the load time of your page, so make sure they are only 72 DPI resolution. Optimize all images with Alt tags, which defines the image for search engines.

Include a Specific Call to Action

You are creating the landing page for a specific purpose, so make sure it prompts visitors to act. The call to action should be prominent, but not distracting. Your CTA could be to subscribe to a service, call your medical practice, or send an email. Make this clear and easy for a visitor to complete and include a link to your contact page. Without a solid call to action, the time and effort in building the page will go to waste.
[Tweet “Without a solid call to action, the time and effort in building your landing page will go to waste.”]

Mobile Responsive

Like all your other web pages, your landing page should be mobile responsive to ensure it can be accessed from any mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone.
A highly targeted and well-optimized landing page can assist your medical SEO strategy while helping your medical practice reach and successfully engage with various audiences. It allows you to cater specific messages for specific segments, and furthermore, you can measure the impact of those landing pages since they are developed to encourage immediate calls to action.

Gretchen Kalthoff

Gretchen Kalthoff

Gretchen Kalthoff is a writer and marketing specialist for MWE. She is an expert in healthcare marketing and health IT with a special interest in increasing patient engagement through social media and healthcare technologies.

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