How to Write a Medical SEO Friendly Blog Post

Candice Claassen

Candice Claassen

Posted on July 13, 2011

Are you thinking about starting a content marketing campaign to increase your medical practice’s visibility in search engines? Follow these 10 steps to create SEO-friendly blog posts.

  1. Write the blog entry.  Two to three short paragraphs is more than enough. Write about keyword related topics that are interesting for all customers and potential customers. All articles should be new and original content. Do not duplicate content on multiple blogs or articles. Write about current events that may relate to your industry. Be Objective.
  2. Paste blog post from a notepad file – not from Word – into the “Add Post” screen to prevent unwanted code.
  3. Title the blog and include your keywords at the front of the title rather than the end.
  4. Create no more than 2-3 links to your website. Don’t go overboard on adding links!  One per paragraph in a blog entry is plenty. Links should be dispersed amongst all pages of the website to ensure that the entire website is optimized and not just the homepage.
  5. Links should be keywords, not just the domain name (i.e. the words Dr Hector Smith would link to
  6. Add tags.  Tags should be the exact same as the keyword links that were made in the above step.
  7. Add the blog post to a category relevant to your topic. Categories should be different than the tags. Categories are more general, while a tag is very specific (e.g. Category: Cardiologist, Tag: Cardiologist in New York).Make sure the automatically-generated URL has the title in it. Avoid using numbers or abbreviations that don’t make sense.
  8. If your blog has an SEO plugin, specify a description with your keywords as well as keyword tags.
  9. Spread the word about your new post. Send it to your friends and colleagues and post in on your social bookmarking sites.
  10. If you have a backlog of blog entries ready to post, do not post them all at the same time.  Post them (or set them to go live) over a regular period of time – once a week would be optimal.


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