3 Ways to Reach Healthcare Consumers Through Web Content

Marie Westerhof

Marie Westerhof

Posted on July 21, 2016

Man on iPad Looking at Content Writing

Turning consumers into customers starts with understanding who your consumers are, and what they’ll respond to the most.  Creating effective content is easy once you’ve a) defined a goal and b) chosen a channel whose user base is likely to match up with your potential customer base.

There are a few content distribution channels that you’ll consistently find most effective at reaching internet users in 2016 and guiding them toward your brand.

1. Create unique, interesting videos.

Over 78% of US internet users watch online video, and YouTube reports that they reach more 18-49 year-olds than any US cable network.  There’s value in leveraging video in your content marketing campaign.  It’s engaging, highly visual, and can draw new traffic into your site if you optimize it properly.
Invest in a videographer (or start small with just a good-quality camera) and try putting together short clips of:

  • Footage of your facilities or your product in action
  • Your staff physicians, talking about (or demonstrating!) procedures they perform.  One of our clients creates videos of a doctor and NP performing in-office tests on each other. Knowing what to expect puts their patients at ease.
  • If you’re a device or software manufacturer, demos of your product are a must.  Consider doing quick 30-second videos of each feature rather than one long demo.
  • Instructional videos for patients that demonstrate post-procedure care, such as changing dressings or breastfeeding their newborn.
  • Testimonials from happy patients or customers.

[related_content] Work with a medical video production company for a more professional feel, or use video editing software to add sophisticated touches like text overlays and title cards.

2. Beef up the content on your website.

Potential customers are using your website as an informational resource – so when it’s lacking in information, that affects your credibility.  You probably already have a decent quantity of educational materials in your office, so consider making space on your website for your brochures, handouts (like pre- and post-surgery instructions), and product manuals.
There are plenty of opportunities to expand your content beyond what you already have.  Working with a medical content writer is an option if you don’t have the capacity to handle the project in-house.  (And be sure to include visual aids that are genuinely useful, like patient education animations or medical stock photos.)

3. Take professional photography seriously.

This one may not be a marketing channel per se, but don’t underestimate the importance of quality photos in the buying process.  Images of your actual physicians and nurses help users feel more comfortable with them, even if they haven’t actually met them yet – which influences their decision once they’re ready to choose a clinic.
Headshots are great for bio pages, but get some more natural-looking candid photos of the team as well (behind the front desk, with a patient, etc.).  If you’re a device or software company, get shots of the product and people using it.  Remember that hiring models is an affordable option if you prefer not to photograph actual patients.
Want to learn more about using content in your marketing campaign? Visit Medical Web Experts online.

Marie Westerhof

Marie Westerhof

Marie is the Director of Marketing at Medical Web Experts, and has over 10 years of experience in the development and execution of digital marketing campaigns for healthcare organizations. She also heads complex medical writing projects for healthcare networks, hospitals, large physician groups, and independent physician practices.

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