Author: Amanda Guerrero

Meaninful Use

Posted on March 11, 2015 by Amanda Guerrero

Since the program’s inception, Meaningful Use has drawn criticism from all sectors of the healthcare industry, but it has also cemented itself as a critical component for achieving the triple…Read more

robotic surgery in rural hospitals

Posted on March 04, 2015 by Amanda Guerrero

Nearly 25 percent of Americans live in rural areas, yet only 10 percent of physicians practice medicine in those parts of the country. With a growing number of doctors choosing…Read more


Posted on February 13, 2015 by Amanda Guerrero

Electronic glasses might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but they’re very real – and they are helping legally blind individuals to see. In the case of…Read more

Featured Image

Posted on June 16, 2014 by Amanda Guerrero

According to a global mHealth report, 500 million people worldwide will be using a health application by 2015 – and if the actions of major industry players are any indication,…Read more

Featured Image

Posted on May 30, 2014 by Amanda Guerrero

Healthcare is changing – and we’re not just talking about payment and care delivery models. The way in which hospitals and practices market to patients is also evolving, and it…Read more

Featured Image

Posted on May 21, 2014 by Amanda Guerrero

While it may be easy to figure out how to drive traffic to your healthcare organization’s website, getting people to take some sort of action once they’re there can be…Read more

Featured Image

Posted on April 22, 2014 by Amanda Guerrero

Responsive design refers to a website’s ability to automatically adjust to fit the screen of whichever device it is being viewed on – be it a smartphone, tablet, laptop or…Read more

Featured Image

Posted on March 28, 2014 by Amanda Guerrero

Medical SEO strategies have changed dramatically in the past five years, due largely to changes in Google’s PageRank algorithm, the rapid growth of social media, the diminishing importance of keyword…Read more

Featured Image

Posted on January 17, 2014 by Amanda Guerrero

The concept of the “consumer patient” is becoming more prevalent. Patients are increasingly taking the reins in managing their own health, including becoming more selective about the doctors they visit…Read more

Featured Image

Posted on December 12, 2013 by Amanda Guerrero

The healthcare industry was abuzz last Friday in response to an announcement from the ONC and CMS regarding a new timeline for Meaningful Use. The word on the web immediately…Read more