How Can I Help Market my Medical Practice?

Flora Dido

Flora Dido

Posted on July 20, 2011

Once you have developed a good website, possibly a patient portal and everything else is set up correctly, you should start asking yourself; “Ok, what’s next?”
Websites are a great tool to introduce yourself to the world, but that alone won’t get your name out there. As in every other business, you have to make an effort to bring in new clients, or in this case, patients. Doing this online means creating relevant content, keeping it up to date, and providing all possible information so patients don’t lose the interest in the practice.
So how should you start physician marketing?
One way is by creating a blog. The blog can be added to your website and have unique features, like allowing people to subscribe to the blog or sharing the info you submitted through social networks.
How do you maintain the blog?
Mostly, with interesting articles. The keyword is relevant content; serious information that can help the patient find what he or she is looking for.
Another way is through Social Networks. Today a lot of internet attention is focused on these poplar sites. Why? Because it’s viral! It’s personal and it creates direct contact with the client. It’s an easier way to connect with your patients and for them to be able to recommend you to their friends and family. It also creates a sense of trust, so essentially it works as a “trusted publicity.”
Lastly you can market your practice by using Medical Search Engine Optimization.
What’s that?
Medical SEO optimizes your website to make it search engine friendly, and makes your site appear on the top of the search engine list. For example a dermatologist in Kansas might want to appear first on the list when someone searches “Kansas Dermatologist” and Medical SEO can do just that.
These three pieces of advice will help you make of your site from being just another medical website. Make the difference, be up to date, and keep in touch with your patients. They will appreciate it, and so will do!

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